We hope you enjoy our lessons and want to encourage families to make the most from swimming at other times. It is easy and cheap to make or find different games to play in the pool or bath.
Look below to get started but please consider if any toy or game is age appropriate for your child and whether it is safe for them to play in the water.
Getting Ready for Your First Swimming Lessons
Babies and Pre-Schoolers can practice in the bath getting their face wet. You can start off with just splashing around (see our water splashers below). The other really useful skill for young children is practicing lying on their backs in the water, with or without a parent in the bath with them. You can then introduce the idea of kicking their legs. With these skills they are then in place to happily get their face wet, move around the pool with their kicking and learning to float in the water on their backs.
For school aged children and adults the advice is similar. Practice submerging your face in water, with or without goggles. It is an amazing world under the water learn to enjoy it. Again if you have a big enough bath you can also practice floating on your back.
Water Splashers
We would give you instructions but it really is as simple as finding some odd (clean!) socks around the house. Stuff one inside the other and secure with a headband or piece of wool. Then get creative and cut into the shape you want. Below you can see Ollie the Octopus, Sammie Sea Urchin and Freddy Fish.
These water splashers will float just under the water but if you want to make them a bit heavier or turn them into divers then you can add a small amount of sand.